Aum Sri Sai Ram
Education Of Human Value (EHV) Wing
Taman Universiti Bhajan Unit.
The Taman Universiti Bhajan Unit EHV classes has been established since 9 months ago. It has being conducted every Sundays at 10.00 a.m. in No.20, Jalan Penyiaran 4, Taman Universiti, Skudai, Johor. There are 20-25 students who attend this class and conducted by 3 EHV gurus. Apart of that, there is another EHV unit which is held every Fridays at 5.30 p.m at Kangkar Pulai Temple, Skudai, Johor. There are about 7-10 children regularly attending this classes.
Below are the activities which was undertaken by EHV Unit of Taman Universiti on the year of 1997.
1. Human Values Art Competition
The Human Values Art Competition was held at Best World Plaza, Johor Bharu on the 26th July 1997. This art competition was opened to students from various schools in Johor Bharu. About 300 students participated in this competition. 17 of Taman Universiti EHV unit participated in this successful competition. Every participant were given a certificate in appreciation of their effort.
2. EHV Sports - Meet
On 13th of September 1997, Taman Universiti EHV Unit participated in the Southern Regional EHV Sports-Meet which was held at Segamat, Johor. A group consisting 21 EHV students participated in this first ever Sports-Meet. Each centre/Bhajan Unit were requested to choose 3 participants from each category namely story-telling, mantra competition, art competition and telematch. Every children were divided into 3 groups namely group one ( age of 6-9 ), group two ( age of 10-12) and group three ( age of 12-15).The aim of the EHV Sports-Meet is to foster a better bond between EHV students from various centres in Southern Region. At same time, it is also to cater to the spiritual needs of the students.
3. Art Competition at Kangkar Pulai.
The EHV Art Competition was held at the Mariamman Temple, Kangkar Pulai on the 14th of December 1997.The EHV unit of Taman Universiti and Kangkar Pulai participated in this successful event. A number of 41 students participated in this competition and 15 of them from Taman Universiti EHV unit. They were divided into 3 category namely category A (age 5-7 ), category B ( age 8-9 ) and category C (age 10-12). In the Art competition, each category was given a different picture of a Hindu deity to coloured and duration of this competition is an hour.
Temple chairman, Taman Unversiti Bhajan unit advisor, Un. Mahendran and Un. Muthu from Larkin Centre were called to give away the prizes to the winners and the rest of the participants.