Something strange happened to me
I don’t know why I’m here
Living in a dark world
And it is really hard to see myself
What I’ve done in my previous life
I can’t recover my memory
From a small portion like an atom
My structure starts forming
From time to time, I’m expanding
I can neither move nor eat
Just living like a sardine in a can
But something is unique over here
A tube is connected to my body
Sending mass and energy to me
As time goes on
My structure is getting formed
I can feel the vibration from the surrounding
Anyhow, my eyes are still closed
Staying in this world for almost nine months
My position starts changing slowly
From straight to upside down
I’m extremely scared
Really don’t know what to do
All in a sudden a force pushes me
The vibration from surrounding is increasing
I can neither do anything nor control it
I can hear someone screaming
The scream which sounds so loving
The force in the dark world is too strong
I tried to avoid but I failed
The force has brought me to a tunnel
The tunnel which connects the world I’m staying with another world
Due to the force, my head comes out from the little world and then my body
At the same time, someone is pulling me from the new world.
Now I’m in a new world
This new world is too noisy
And It is also too bright
I feel that I’m not secured enough.
I ‘m so scared that I cry loudly.
The brightness and the noise really annoys me
The temperature in this world is cold
Then came a stranger in a white dress
Covering me with a towel
And carried me to put beside another stranger.
I don’t know why
I stopped crying suddenly
I felt so secured
And also very comfortable with this new stranger
Then this stranger touches me with her fingers
She kisses me and embraces me.
After being a long time with you ,mum
The only thing that I know is the love and also the care that you gave me since the age of one till now.
But now I realised that the love you gave when I was in your womb for nine months is the biggest that I ever had.
When I cried, you were the first person who cared for me , who loved me and also who brought me up.
Mum, You are great,
You suffered for me
What can I give you in return?
What is my dharma as a son to you?
How can I return the love you gave?
With Sai Love,